How Many Times Was Elvis Arrested?

Publish date: 2020-08-10

Hopper and Presley then began to fight. From Hopper's testimony, he maintained that Presley swung at him first, and hit him in the left eye. The punch left a small gash. That was when Aubrey Brown ran outside to defend Hopper. But Presley claimed that Hopper reached inside his car and hit him first, shouting, "I don't care if you are Elvis Presley!" (via Elvis Presley Music).

All three were arrested. Presley, Hopper, and Brown were each booked for disorderly conduct, battery, and assault. When Elvis was arrested, he said, "I'll regret this day as long as I live. I guess lots of people were waiting for this kind of thing to happen. It's getting where I can't even leave the house without something happening to me" (via Elvis Presley Music). Presley paid a $52 bond and was ordered to return to court the next day.

The three men attended court the next day, October 19, 1956. Hopper and Brown were each fined. Presley's charges were dismissed, and the crowd in the courtroom erupted in applause. After the court appearance, Presley stepped outside to find throngs of adoring fans ready to show their support for him.
