Avid Watercolorist Howard Stern Gave David Letterman a Daffodil Painting for His Farewell

Publish date: 2022-06-14
A sensitive guy, this Howard Stern.

In addition to trying to give David Letterman a big kiss on the mouth, Howard Stern gave the Late Show host another parting gift: a Howard Stern original watercolor. “Howard gave Dave a painting to give to his wife on his last appearance last week,” Beth Stern, wife of the radio personality, told Vulture at the Hamptons magazine party over Memorial Day weekend. “He gave David Letterman’s wife a daffodil. It’s amazing.” She said that she has “commissioned” a series of flowers from Stern that so far includes a rose, a lilac, a petunia, and a peony. “I am a collector of Howard Stern’s art, and I am the only collector,” she said, but this is not for lack of demand. “They’re definitely works of art. People want to buy them, and he’s like, ‘They’re not for sale.’” Sorry, Sotheby’s.

Howard Stern Gave Letterman a Farewell Painting
