Can you get two car parking tickets in one day?

Publish date: 2022-09-13

WE'VE all done it - we've realised we've forgotten to pay our parking when we find a yellow fine on our windscreen.

But is it possible to receive two parking tickets in a day? Here's everything we know.

Can you get two car parking tickets in one day?

Unfortunately, it is possible for you to receive two parking tickets in one day, even if you're in the same location.

Usually, the rule is that you can receive a penalty charge notice for the same violation every three hours.

This means if you've parked in a prohibited area for a long period of time, you could receive two or three tickets.

If you receive multiple tickets then you need to check the times they were issued.


If there is less than three hours between two tickets, then you can appeal them and have the second ticket dismissed.

Can a private parking company take you to court?

Private parking companies can give you a fine providing they believe you've broken the rules of parking on their premises.

Private parking companies don't have the law on their side to enforce their parking restrictions but they do have the same legal rights to pursue money they're owed.

This means they can take you to court if you ignore a parking fine.

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What happens if I don't pay a parking ticket?

Rules surrounding avoiding paying for a ticket are strict and costly.

If you don't pay the PCN within 28 days of it being issued, unless it has been cancelled due to an appeal, a notice to the owner is enforced.

The Council who issued the ticket will request your details from the DVLA and will serve a Notice to Owner.

This is a legal document which will tell the registered keeper of the vehicle that a PCN is outstanding.

If a payment or formal representation is not received in response to the Notice to Owner within the time period given a Change Certificate will then be sent.

This will increase the amount of penalty charge by a further 50%. 
